About the contest

Chase Aesthetics is a one-act play video contest asking one social justice question.  High school and undergraduate students can enter the contest for $0 to win debt-free graduation for the team of five.   Those conversations will lead to an ascending consciousness in our youth to explore the endless opportunities available in this information age. The change in this culture’s discourse may represent a movement of people to transcend our communities.  One video at a time, students will be put in the leadership position as their voices will have never been more compelling. We’re looking for your organization’s full support to orchestrate this dynamic video and theater contest from thin air into the infinite. A more connected arts community in a school or college may elevate collective consciousness, social and emotional well-being, and improve students’ academic performance.

Chase Aesthetics! def.: to be in a constant search to observe, learn about, and create works of art in ascending beauty and meaning.

I want to share that philosophy with the world and have thousands of students emulating me. This contest creates the opportunity many students have only dreamed of: their organic writing and performing on the national stage.  The phrase “Now seeking change agents in the theater and video arts” defines the meaning students will produce through mastery. I created this contest to change the discourse in our culture and shine a light on the future players of Broadway, Hollywood, independent cinema and theaters.  The contest is based on enhancing the discourse on our postmodern society to enlighten students’ thinking, feeling, and expressing themselves based on need. This contest is for students and by students.

Objective:​ To improve how all people think and how they express themselves. To create a new consciousness in a new medium, viral video one-act plays, also called ​Chase Aesthetics! Anthem Plays.​ In 2020, three billion people will have smartphones and access to shooting and editing video daily. Augusto Boal was right, “​Passion is a fact.​” Now it's time for students to scaffold that passion within them. Chase Aesthetics!​ seeks to change the status quo in people’s minds to growth mindsets.