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Photo Credits from top left to right. Rob Dorsey (my photo), theater photo (public domain) Sonja Kuftinec (Sonja’s photo)

San Fransisco Ballet (CC), Theater production (CC) Wikimedia Commons

Claud Monet, 1923 (public domain) photo credit Dana Keller -, Gustav Klimt Medizin date unknown (public domain), Edgar Degas, The Rehearsal of the Scene, 1872 (public domain).

Ganymede and the Eagle by Bertel Thorvaldsen, 1629 at Minneapolis Institute of Art (public domain) Dale Chihuly’s Bellagio Hotel Ceiling, Las Vegas (public domain) credit: Matt Kieffer

The Plays of William Shakespeare by Sir John Gilbert, 1849 (public domain). Oberon, Titania, and Puck with Fairies Dancing. by William Blake, c. 1786 (public domain)