The MISSION of Chase Aesthetics!

The goal before funding: To reach all desired partnerships, run the Minnesota pilot, and secure grant funding for the national contest.

One-year goal: To secure the $342,500 dollar grant to run a lively contest with every high school and undergraduate student in the country as potential contestants.  To secure footing in the public sphere and social media. To place five students on the throne as Chase Aesthetics! Anthem champions. 

Three-year goal: To challenge prime-time TV, streaming shows, Hollywood studios, and independent cinema on people’s HDTVs for the time by engaging Anthems.  

Five-year goal: To have a dynamic influence on our culture. To be a top contest of its kind in world history, a regular broadcast PBS show, and place student performers under the brightest lights entertainment produces.
Ten-year goal: To be a household name in theater and video arts. To expand into other developed countries.

“There is a field of unity within everyone.  It’s always been there. It’s unbounded, infinite, and eternal.  It’s that level of life that never had a beginning. It is and will be.  And it can be enlivened. In the human being, the enlivening of the field leads to enlightenment -- the full potential of the individual.  In the world, the result of enlivening unity by a peace-creating group would be real peace on earth.”  

-David Lynch, Catching the Big Fish, p. 176 (2004)